Cosmopolites sordidus

Biocontrol of the banana weevil

Common name: Banana weevil
Scientific name: Cosmopolites sordidus
Order: Coleoptera
Affects: Banana
Main season: All year round, especially in summer

Prays citri

Morphology and biology

Cosmopolites sordidus is considered to be the most serious pest affecting banana crops.

It is a dark brown weevil, 9 – 16 mm long with an elliptic body and a face that extends into a curved beak, hence its name. Adults are active at night while they take refuge on the ground among the fallen leaves of the banana trees or dead trees. during the day. It feeds on both fresh and decomposed remains of plants, although it can last for up to 6 months without eating. It is said that an adult can live for about 2 years.

adult Cosmopolites sordidus

Couple of cosmopolites sordidus

The female lays the eggs singly in small cavities that are excavating by the female at the base of the pseudostem. The larva that emerges from this egg has a rough, whitish coloured body which contrasts with the bright brown colour of its head. The larva causes the main damage, given that it feeds by opening galleries in the banana plant with its chewing mouth parts. The larva completes its life cycle inside these galleries. However, when it starts turning into a pupa it places itself near the exit hole.

Larvas Cosmopolites sordidus adulto

Larvas Cosmopolites sordidus adultos

The pupa or nymph has a whitish colour. It stays immobile until it emerges as an adult. The newly emerged adult is yellow turning quickly into brown.

life cycle of the banana weevil

The presence of weevils in crops passes unnoticed because of the nocturnal activity of the adults and the larvae location inside the plant.


Damages at the stipe

Damage caused by Cosmopolites sordidus at the stipe

Damages at the banana tree corm

Damage caused by Cosmopolites sordidus at the corm of a banana tree

External damage is not characteristic in the tree because it can be confused with other phytosanitary problems: leaves with a slight yellow tone followed by necrosis and death of the tree; poor growth of the tree; hardly any fruit produced, etc.

Source: COPLACA.

Detection and monitoring

One EOSTRAP® COSMOPOLITES DRY CAPTURE TRAP should be placed per hectare. The trap should be checked once a week to count the captured weevils.

The tolerance threshold for Cosmopolites sordidusis very low. In general, it is between 5 and 10 captures per trap and per week (medium level of infestation). When this level of infestation is achieved, it is necessary to place traps throughout the plots for mass trapping.

Mass trapping

For mass trapping, the number of traps must be increased depending on the location, surface area and homogeneity of the plots.

The aim of mass trapping in certain areas is achieved by using different options:

Mass trapping with EOSTRAP® COSMOPOLITES DRY CAPTURE TRAP in movable positions:

4 traps per hectare should be used. Owing to the fact that Cosmopolites sordidus is not a flying insect, these traps should be placed all along the infected area with the purpose of covering as much surface area as possible, thereby reducing the pest population.

At first, the traps should be placed 20 metres apart from each other and 10 metres apart from the plot borders. The line of traps should be moved 20 metres in the same direction each month. This practice requires a density of 4 traps per hectare to attract insects throughout the capture area for 4 or 5 months.

cosmopolites sordidus

Mass trapping with EOSTRAP® COSMOPOLITES DRY CAPTURE TRAP in fixed positions:

8 to 16 traps per hectare should be placed in fixed positions. The number of traps depends on the population level of Cosmopolites sordidus.

In cases like this, it is required less maintenance work. This option is used in plots where labour costs are high.

Nevertheless, in both options, it is recommended to use oil to reduce the evaporation of water.

Necessary material

The trap EOSTRAP® COSMOPOLITES DRY CAPTURE TRAP and the pheromone diffusers ECONEX COSMOPOLITES SORDIDUS 90 DAYS, product authorised for use in organic farming.

The EOSTRAP® COSMOPOLITES DRY CAPTURE TRAP is used together with pheromones for the detection and mass trapping of the banana weevil: Cosmopolites sordidus.

It is made of plastic polymer which is odourless when it is heat by the sun. Also, this trap is resistant to ultraviolet rays. On average, it lasts 6 or 7 years in normal field conditions. The trap consists of three parts that can be assembled easily: a base, a lid and a special hanger for the pheromone diffuser ECONEX COSMOPOLITES SORDIDUS 90 DAYS.

The base of the trap has 4 holes in its upper part. Also, the inside of the trap is treated with a slippery film preventing the weevil from escaping. In addition, the base has a drainage system that avoids accumulation of water.

logo inter eco


Kairo-feromonal attractant diffuser for the attraction of both sexes of the species Cosmopolites sordidus, with a duration of 90 days in normal field conditions.

Code: UIPHOVA181
OMDF register number (Ministry of Agriculture of Spain): 112/2014



Code: UIPFETA192
OMDF register number (Ministry of Agriculture of Spain): 103/2010

The trap should be placed half-buried up to the entry holes. In this way, Cosmopolites sordidus enters the trap and it remains retain. The trap does not need any maintenance work during the lifetime of the diffusers. However, it is recommended checking the captures regularly.

The trap includes an EOSTRAP® GROUND SLEEVE, a hollow cylinder of 12.5 cm high and 11.5 cm in diameter. It facilitates the placement of the trap on the ground, monitoring and maintenance work.

The traps should be covered with remains of leaves from the banana trees because in this way the capture of the weevil is optimised. It is necessary to use a cane to point at the placed traps in order to be able to find them and carry out maintenance work in the field.



Factors that influence the number of traps needed

The pest population of Cosmopolites sordidus, bordering crops, level of control required, etc. An important factor is crop size. In small and irregular crops, a greater number of traps are required than in larger and regular ones.

Another important factor is the distance between plots that have the same pest. In cases like this, the borders of the plots must be reinforced, so it could be necessary to place up to 16 traps per hectare or even more for mass trapping.

Storing the diffusers

The diffusers must be stored in their original packaging in a cool and dry place and separated from food and drinks.

To preserve the diffusers for long periods of time, it is recommended to keep them in the refrigerator at 4 o C in which case they will last for 2 years. Or they can be kept in the freezer at -20 o C for 4 years.

Packaging difussers


Corrugated cardboard box of 200 units (20 packs of 10 units).
Box size: 0,24 x 0,32 x 0,22 m (length x width x height) Box weight: 2,30 kg.
Number of boxes per pallet: 80.
Pallet size: 1.20 x 0.80 x 1.95 m (length x width x height).
Pallet weight: 218 kg.

pack of 100 units

Pack of 10 units.
It includes an information leaflet about product use.

Box of 2000 units

Box of 1.250 units.
(125 packs x 10 units)

Packaging traps


Corrugated cardboard box of 22 units.
Box size: 0.60 x 0.40 x 0.35 m (length x width x height).
Box weight: 8.7 kg.
Number of boxes per pallet: 20
Pallet size: 1.20 x 0.80 x 1.95 m (length x width x height).
Pallet weight: 184 kg.

Box of 22 units.

Box of 22 units.

Recommended information:


Leaflet in PDF format that can be downloaded by clicking on the image.



ECONEX puts at your disposal the first open knowledge center that brings together everything necessary to implement pest biocontrol in your crops. We have developed different types of resources to share with you the knowledge we have acquired during our more than 38 years of experience. Each of them is designed to respond, in the best possible way, to different questions related to pheromones, attractants, repellents and insect traps.

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